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Motherhood was not what it said on the tin

But I couldn’t admit the truth to myself… 

I never dreamed of becoming a mother

I knew I would be one, 

I thought I would like it, 

I knew it was good for me.

But it was never my dream. 

I was never chatting with the female side of the table. I didn’t care about practical household things. 

I read books.

I cared about ideas. 

Motherhood was incidental

So when I became a mother, I had no idea how to look after myself or a growing family.

It felt difficult, stressful,

chaotic and absolutely endless.

I felt like I was missing out on life.

I was always behind.

It was an endless cycle of frustration
Frustration at the work
Frustration at the world

Most of all the frustration was at

I also worried about
the impact
on my children

I didn't know how to escape the

And there was no way I was telling anyone

After all, I believed in motherhood. But instead of feeling joyful,
I was resentful, unfulfilled and unmotivated.

Until one day I discovered a chassidish lady
who was teaching "The Three Principles"

My inner yenta heard her calling


I had to see this lady talking psychology

A quick search found me a video

detailing her recovery from depression

and her discovery of inner peace

In one hour, I saw that my entire life was not what I thought it was.

I had to know more

Thus began my decade+ search to understand:

1. How experience works.

2. How to connect with who we truly are.

3. How to become productive humans and live with inner peace and joy.

Two interesting things 

I’ve learned along the way:

You can be happy in the most unlikely situations

You can be sad/anxious/down and be totally ok

You see I've seen many people fall
for this basic misunderstanding:

So many people think the aim is to be happy and upbeat in every moment. 

But what I discovered after years of exploring The Three Principles, attending seminars, webinars, courses and coaching is,

That’s NOT the point at all!!


Once I saw what emotions were…

They no longer had the power to threaten me.

That means you can stop chasing the “happy moments” because you know you can experience anything and still be ok.

So what are we aiming for?

What I've seen is:

To Live a Life of Peace and Joy

The point is to be fully, unapologetically HUMAN.

I started coaching by accident

Soon I was giving classes and training as a coach


Looking back, it is impossible not to see:

Every stage was guided

One thing leads to another

One choice opens up opportunities

One delay leads to new possibilities



We can live a life of guilt and regret 


or we can choose to look 

and find the guidance


I have blamed myself

I have beat myself up

I have stressed
about my lacks

I have agonised
about what I should be

Until the day

I stopped

And in that moment I Changed

That was when I started to actually

 live my values.


That was when I experienced on the inside, 

what I had only known intellectually.


And that's when I truly saw
how to raise my children:

Trusting Inner Guidance

Trusting my connection

Trusting their connection

And trusting that mistakes are part of
the game of life


This is the point where I invite you to be a part of this and embrace your own change.

If you are thoughtful, inquisitive, and you want to get more out of your life down here,

If you want to be able to:

Stop huffing and puffing

Leave aside worry and fear

Enjoy the myriad tasks of motherhood

Start living in the present

Know what to do

Feel confident in your ability to do life well

Feel confident in your ability NOT to ruin your kids lives!

Live a deeper connected life

and finally!

Raise confident, resilient kids


Then this may be for you


This year!



Present Parenting will be reopening 

 this winter

And the question is:



be there?

The best way to decide is this:

Whatever choice you choose…

Follow your inner guidance

One of my favourite pictures on this site! (The kids came home "too" early and joined in the photoshoot...

Register your interest in Present Parenting and

Join the waitlist here 

Space will be limited to 30 participants.

Waitlist members will be offered a three figure discount once the program reopens.

So for now it’s goodbye

And until we see each other again,

if you’d like to stay in touch and hear 

about upcoming events: 

click on the mic!