Does any of this sound familiar:
- Do conversations with your family members leave you drained, doubting yourself as a mom, and defending your way of life?
- Does taking your toddlers to the park make you judge yourself, and every social interaction for three days afterwards?
- Are you often running to catch up with life, and every time you cross something off your list, 10 more items seem to pop up instead?
- Are you frustrated with all the things that keep going "wrong" in your life?
In other words - Are you a normal Mum?
- You are living the life you chose: You still believe in it:
- Yet you don't always feel the satisfaction and joy that you thought it would bring.
- You dream of an existence that's less frazzled, less anxious, less stressful.
No. It's not just you.
And yes.
There’s a way to achieve the life you desire.
And finally - NO.
Getting there does not need to be hard work.
Hi, I’m Chayelle
Wife. Mother. Daughter, friend, daughter-in-law, community member, acquaintance, person across the room. Also someone who used to run around like a chicken trying to enjoy a life she saw as tedious, dreary, and unexciting.
Until I stumbled on the truth behind our experience (a.k.a. the Three Principles) and understood what I was doing to myself. Surprisingly, the process of change was easy and practically effortless.
The chicken thing became something of the past.
Now, as a trained transformative coach, I help women see their reality in a completely fresh light, and watch as they open their eyes to a whole new way of being in the world.
I give you the space to fall in love with who you are NOW, and the accountability to see, understand, and discover more and more.

You tried the positivity-self-care-journaling-affirmations-meditation… and…
your life is still there
Being your own cheerleader feels fake. And band-aids are great when you need a band-aid. But what if you need something more? Something real?
You need a solution that fits the life you have, and helps you make it the life you want.
Dare to Flourish ~ Dare to Thrive ~ Dare to Blossom ~ Dare to Grow
"I'm not held captive by painful situations."
I know it’s not logical, but I felt I always put people off. Standing in the park with no one to talk to was proof of it, email responses (or lack of them) would hurt me for a solid week.
Situations like these would throw me into tremendous criticism and doubt (even self-loathing).
I wanted that gone.
Chayelle is honest, straightforward, and truly listened to ME. She speaks from her heart. She helped me turn things I supposedly believed into reality.
Now, there’s such a difference!
I enjoy interacting with people. I know their response is about them, not me. I’ve stopped taking it personally and assuming the worst.
I’m no longer held captive by the situation and unpleasant interactions don’t ruin my entire day (or week).
I can now handle it in a totally different way. It’s not painful, it just feels normal.
Not only has my self-confidence grown, I find myself being able to relate to and work with the “difficult people” in my life in a positive way.
I rreally didn’t think it was possible to see things so differently.
~ S.L. mom of two
What coaching can actually change:
Get rid of:
- Anxiety
- Self-doubt
- Criticism
- Stress
- Overwhelm
- Lashing out
And reach:
- Confidence
- Acceptance
- Clarity
- Serenity
- Control
You attain:
The wisdom to know what to do in the moment
Not sure it’s for you? Not sure it will work?
Here's what you can expect: hover/click on the tiles!
Trained coach
3 Principles understanding
Dedicated to your success
More than skin deep
Natural and effortless
Tailored to your goals
Let's explore together a new way of experiencing life
Let's bring you more peace and joy than you could have imagined
Insight wrapped in a blanket of simplicity
“The solutions to outwardly complex problems will not arise from complicated analytical theory, but will emerge as an insight, wrapped in a blanket of simplicity.”
~ Sydney Banks, founder of the Three Principles understanding
Dare to Flourish ~ Dare to Thrive ~ Dare to Blossom ~ Dare to Grow
If you’re ready to live the life YOU want… it’s time
And what if it’s just talk talk talk and nothing really changes?