And then she poured her cocoa all over my cream couch.
It was at that exact moment that I wondered why nobody warned me not to have kids.
Ooooh, harsh, you.
No, not harsh. Honest.
Because that was after she ran into oncoming traffic, threw my sheitel across the room, dripped her yogurt over the screaming baby, cut her younger sister’s hair and scribbled on the kitchen cabinet with a permanent marker.
“I’m just not cut out for all this.”
You know, once upon a time I ruled the world.
I had a job that was a mega ego booster.
I was skinny and pretty.
I went to sleep when my body said ‘tired’.
I woke up when God gave me back my soul.
I ate in peace.
I showered for 10 minutes at a time.
I even played the guitar.
You know, a human being.
Then, I became a mother.
Then, I became a mother.
Then, I became a mother.
Then, I became a mother.
With each of my 4 kids, I lost another piece of myself.
I had no time. No space. No energy. No independence. No mood. No joy.
And heaven’s, no peace.
NO Nuttin'
I was caught in a monstrous monsoon that I HATED:
I cooked and cleaned and soothed and wiped and screamed and bathed and folded and dried and cried and washed and whimpered and bribed and threatened and shushed and hushed and chopped and mopped and….
Then I felt guilty for wanting out
Then I felt guilty for feeing guilty
Yeah,t'was twisty.
Then came a magic elf and sprinkled some dust on my head.
I swooned once.
I swooned twice.
And I became the mother that bakes cookies, smiles for a living and tussles hair for fun.
Actually, no.

You know, once upon a time I ruled the world.
I had a job that was a mega ego booster.
I was skinny and pretty.
I went to sleep when my body said ‘tired’.
I woke up when God gave me back my soul.
I ate in peace.
I showered for 10 minutes at a time.
I even played the guitar.
You know, a human being.

Then, I became a mother.
Then, I became a mother.
Then, I became a mother.
Then, I became a mother.
With each of my 4 kids, I lost another piece of myself.
I had no time. No space. No energy. No independence. No mood. No joy.
And heaven’s, no peace.
NO Nuttin’

I was caught in a monstrous monsoon that I HATED:
I cooked and cleaned and soothed and wiped and screamed and bathed and folded and dried and cried and washed and whimpered and bribed and threatened and shushed and hushed and chopped and mopped and…
Then I felt guilty for wanting out. Then I felt guilty for feeling guilty.
Yeah, t’was twisty.

Then came a magic elf and sprinkled some dust on my head.
I swooned once.
I swooned twice.
And I became the mother that bakes cookies, smiles for a living and tussles hair for fun.
Actually, no.
I tried a therapist.
She blamed my parents.
I tried a life coach
She pushed me to a breaking point.
I tried shiurim.
But I couldn't implement.
I tried being grateful.
Instead, I was resentful
Then, the sun and the moon held hands and I met Chayelle Rose.
The first question I asked her:
“What should I do?”
She answered:
“Nothing. Stop trying to do. And learn how to BE.”
I’m a bee that stings.
Other than that, I’m not sure how to be.
But Chayelle taught me.
She taught me how to erase stress.
She taught me how to be present.
She taught me how to escape victimhood.
She taught me how to live life.
But most of all, she taught me how to love life.

Hey, I'm Chayelle and I'm blushing.
That nameless woman that hijacked this page is clearly exaggerating.
But I can vouch that she’s a changed person.
She went from get-me-out-of-this-before-I-snap to wow-I-see-I-was-seeing-this-all-wrong-life-is-nice.
And she’s not alone. I’ve seen her story play out in different shapes and sizes.
And this is what I want to tell you, and the world:
You can be happy, calm and present without changing who you are or needing to alter your circumstances.
Hey, I'm Chayelle and I'm blushing.
That nameless woman that hijacked this page is clearly exaggerating.
But I can vouch that she’s a changed person.
She went from get-me-out-of-this-before-I-snap to wow-I-see-I-was-seeing-this-all-wrong-life-is-nice.
And she’s not alone. I’ve seen her story play out in different shapes and sizes.
And this is what I want to tell you, and the world:
You can be happy, calm and present without changing who you are or needing to alter your circumstances.
Too good to be true.
Seems very slimy to me.
I guess here’s where I have to prove myself and go into credential mode.
Successfully coached 104 happy clients
Trained and certified as a 3PGC Practitioner
Keynote speaker and columnist
“I never realized how easy this whole mother thing could be.”

Permission to talk now?
Because I’m itching to tell you what this is about.
After listening to hundreds of moms and internalizing their struggles, I realized that there was a need.
A need for nannies.
That, too, but nah.
Permission to talk now?
Because I’m itching to tell you what this is about.
After listening to hundreds of moms and internalizing their struggles, I realized that there was a need.
A need for nannies.
That, too, but nah.
Present Parenting
An interactive, cohort-led zoom course that will teach mothers how to embrace themselves and their experiences, empowering them to live a rich life of stability and joy.
If the below is foreign to you, you’re free to leave now.
Everyone else, give a nod if any of these boxes check off for you.
You feel unqualified for motherhood.
You feel unprepared for motherhood.
You feel uninspired by motherhood.
You feel stressed
by motherhood.
You feel confused
by motherhood.
You feel trapped
by motherhood.

Two Things:
1. You are not alone
2. There is a way out
There is a way for you to stop thinking about your couch,
your coffee, your book,
your emails, your yoga, your avocado toast, your milkshake,
your vacation
your new wig, your renovations, your lunch date to and start:
with your children

Two Things:
1. You are not alone
2. There is a way out
There is a way for you to stop thinking about your couch,
your coffee, your book,
your emails, your yoga, your avocado toast, your milkshake,
your vacation,
your new wig, your renovations, your lunch date, and start:
Being Present
with your children
What does that even mean?
It means you will be:
Pragmatic instead of Reactive
Relaxed instead of Fearful
Joyful instead of Stressed
Understanding instead of Abrasive
Calm instead of Dramatic
Present instead of Distracted
Empowered instead of Helpless
Okay, that’s a lot of melodrama.
And even more fluffy promises.
Earth to us all.
What exactly am I selling here?
A potion that makes you patient.
A live, interactive, cohort-led zoom course.
Fancy words. What is it?
A zoom group where I spend the first 15-30 minutes teaching you a new concept and then using the remaining 30-45 minutes moderating a conversation between all participants.
So, no, it’s not an all out lecture where I drone on and on about what a great mom I am and you spend the time feeling like you’ll never get there.
I introduce down to earth concepts based on the 3 principles and then we hash it out as a group.
“Basically, it’s a glorified support group?”
NO, you cynic!
It’s new information every week
Thought provoking conversations
Pointed questions
To make sure
You understand every detail and walk away with complete clarity and perspective of the material.
Sinking in yet?
Oh, I almost forgot to tell you this:
You may be cruising. And snoozing.
And we should definitely get shmoozing.
But I want you to know that you are amazing. Regardless of anything.
Regardless if you sign up for one of the three course tracks or not, you rock forever.
Track #1
Be Present
- 12 Week Course
Private Coaching Session - Lifetime access to recordings
- Slides of every lesson
- 'You don't need fixing' ebook
- Audio exercises
$500 if you sign up after December 31st
Track #2
Super Present
- 16 Week Course
- 1 Private Coaching Session
- Lifetime access to recordings
- Slides of every lesson
- 'You don't need fixing' ebook
- Audio exercises
$700 if you sign up after December 31st
Track #3
Beyond Present*
- 16 Week Course
- 3 Private Coaching Sessions
- Lifetime access to recordings
- Slides of every lesson
- 'You don't need fixing' ebook
- Audio exercises
$1100 if you sign up after December 31st
*Limited to 6 participants
12 Weeks? 16 Weeks?
Of what, exactly?
Week 1:
Tuesday, January 9th / Wednesday January 10th
- Three principles that simplify life.
- Learning how to listen.
- The science behind psychological fitness.
Week 3:
Tuesday January 23rd / Wednesday January 24th
- Becoming an explorer.
- Understanding overwhelm.
- Practical patience.
Week 5:
Tuesday February 6th / Wednesday February 7th
- Finding psychological freedom.
- Becoming present.
- The secret of lightheartedness.
Week 7:
Tuesday February 20th/ Wednesday February 21st
- Guest Speaker: Chana Studley.
- Pain and physical symptoms.
- Hormones.
Week 9:
Tuesday March 5th / Wednesday March 6th
- Parenting from love not fear.
- The vital art of enjoying life.
- Becoming the rock of the household.
Week 11:
Tuesday March 19th / Wednesday March 20th
- Inspired productivity.
- Being ok with what is.
- Issues that don't change.
Week 13:
Tuesday April 2nd / Wednesday April 3rd
- Confident decision making.
- Dropping FOMO.
- Using social pressure to your advantage.
Week 15:
Tuesday May 7th / Wednesday 8th May
- Common family issues.
- Respecting parents.
- Forgiveness.
Week 2:
Tuesday January 16th / Wednesday January 17th
- How do all humans change?
- Simplifying feelings, freeing ourselves from blockages.
- Expanding our mental bandwidth expands what we can do.
Week 4:
Tuesday January 30th / Wednesday January 31st
- Accessing your intrinsic worth.
- Fundamental keys to navigating practical life.
- Taking Responsibility vs. Feeling blame.
Week 6:
Tuesday February 13th/ Wednesday February 14th
- Essential relationship keys.
- Dropping resentment.
- Beating moods!
Week 8:
Tuesday February 27th/ Wednesday February 28th
- The gratitude need.
- Becoming self-aware.
- The illusion of control and becoming more predictable.
Week 10:
Tuesday March 12th / Wednesday March 13th
- The real source of stress.
- Finding peace in the chaos.
- The Joy of yelling.
Week 12:
Tuesday March 26th / Wednesday March 27th
- Delegation in the household.
- Not keeping the score.
- The subtle genius of gentle boundaries.
Week 14:
Tuesday April 9th /Wednesday April 10th
- The ups and downs of the daily grind.
- Why self care is overrated.
- Forging your own path.
Week 16:
Tuesday May 14th / Wednesday May 15th
- Seeing the true you - in yourself and your children.
- How to live a truly harmonious life.
- How to experience others so we can truly be one.
Week 1:
Tuesday, January 9th / Wednesday January 10th
- Three principles that simplify life.
- Learning how to listen.
- The science behind psychological fitness.
Week 2:
Tuesday January 16th / Wednesday January 17th
- How do all humans change?
- Simplifying feelings, freeing ourselves from blockages.
- Expanding our mental bandwidth expands what we can do.
Week 3:
Tuesday January 23rd / Wednesday January 24th
- Becoming an explorer.
- Understanding overwhelm
- A different look at patience
Week 4:
Tuesday January 30th / Wednesday January 31st
- Accessing your intrinsic worth.
- Fundamental keys to navigating practical life.
- Taking Responsibility vs. Feeling blame.
Week 5:
Tuesday February 6th / Wednesday February 7th
- Finding psychological freedom.
- Becoming present.
- The secret of lightheartedness.
Week 6:
Tuesday February 13th/ Wednesday February 14th
- Essential relationship keys.
- Dropping resentment.
- Beating moods!
Week 7:
Tuesday February 20th/ Wednesday February 21st
- Guest Speaker: Chana Studley.
- Pain and physical symptoms.
- Hormones.
Week 8:
Tuesday February 27th/ Wednesday February 28th
- The gratitude need.
- Becoming self-aware.
- The illusion of control and becoming more predictable.
Week 9:
Tuesday March 5th / Wednesday March 6th
- Parenting from love not fear.
- The vital art of enjoying life.
- Becoming the rock of the household.
Week 10:
Tuesday March 12th / Wednesday March 13th
- The real source of stress.
- Finding peace in the chaos.
- The Joy of yelling.
Week 11:
Tuesday March 19th / Wednesday March 20th
- Inspired productivity.
- Being ok with what is.
- Issues that don't change.
Week 12:
Tuesday March 26th / Wednesday March 27th
- Delegation in the household.
- Not keeping the score.
- The subtle genius of gentle boundaries.
Week 13:
Tuesday April 2nd / Wednesday April 3rd
- Confident decision making.
- Dropping FOMO.
- Using social pressure to your advantage.
Week 14:
Tuesday April 9th /Wednesday April 10th
- Three principles that simplify life.
- Learning how to listen.
- The science behind psychological fitness.
Week 15:
Tuesday May 7th / Wednesday 8th May
- Common family issues.
- Respecting parents.
- Forgiveness.
Week 16:
Tuesday May 14th / Wednesday May 15th
- Seeing the true you - in yourself and your children.
- How to live a truly harmonious life.
- How to experience others so we can truly be one.
Chany wants to say this:
I’m a person that’s very hard on myself. I blame myself for everything that isn’t perfect in my childrens’ lives. I get caught in patterns of negative thinking and hopelessness. Chayelle’s teachings is the cure for that. I say is and not was because it’s a work in progress. But the awareness changed the trajectory of my existence. I know where the thoughts are coming from, I know what they mean and I know how to shift that. Chayelle is a must for everyone that calls themselves Mom.
If you got here in one piece that means you’re itching to ask something.
Nope. As a jewish woman and mother, the principles have given me the ability to approach my values in a clear-headed and deeply meaningful way that took what I already knew to the next level. And so I based Present Parenting on the principle foundations, but it will all be explained to you in detail.
A computer. Optional: I will recommend some books but you do not need to buy them. I will also be sending audios to listen to in between sessions.
There will be two groups.
One will be Tuesday, January 9th, 11 am Israel 9am UK.
The other will be Wednesday, January 10th, 9pm Israel 7pm UK 2pm US
Yes and no!
There are loads and loads of videos on youtube that I would be happy to recommend. But not much devoted to moms and parenting. If you are a motivated learner, I would be happy to make some recommendations. But I find that most people need some form of a structure of commitment to keep them in the learning space. You know yourself better than I do!
Yes. Different people have different ways of learning. Some people benefit from more intense accountability that coaching provides. But know that coaching is not for the faint of heart. Together we will explore reality. Not the sugar-coated version that you may prefer to see. If you know you want this, reach out to
When you are learning something new that is going to change the way you think and feel about everything in your life, it needs immersion. And for immersion you need time. Besides, this will NOT feel like a long time to you, because it will be a most enjoyable rewarding, insightful and fun experience.
Up until six months from when the course ends.
- If you want to live a more authentic life, it’s for you.
- If you want a stress-free existence, it’s for you.
- If you don’t want to constantly worry about the next thing, it’s for you.
- If you want to drop resentment and forgive people who have hurt you, it’s for you.
- If you want to fall in love with life, it’s for you.
- If you want your belief system to go from theoretical to passionate, meaningful and real, it’s for you..
- If you are ready to remove the nail polish and let the world see the real you, it’s for you.
- If you want to take all that and parent from a clear clear mind and an open heart, it’s for you.
Because you are smart and unique, you probably have a question not mentioned here. I’d love to answer it for you:
Track #1
Be Present
- 12 Week Course
Private Coaching Session - Lifetime access to recordings
- Slides of every lesson
- 'You don't need fixing' ebook
- Audio exercises
$500 if you sign up after December 31st
Track #2
Super Present
- 16 Week Course
- 1 Private Coaching Session
- Lifetime access to recordings
- Slides of every lesson
- 'You don't need fixing' ebook
- Audio exercises
$700 if you sign up after December 31st
Track #3
Beyond Present*
- 16 Week Course
- 3 Private Coaching Sessions
- Lifetime access to recordings
- Slides of every lesson
- 'You don't need fixing' ebook
- Audio exercises
$1100 if you sign up after December 31st
*Limited to 6 participants
That was long and intense.
You either bought my course or snorted.
Either way, I’m taking my heels off to tell you a bit about myself, human to human.
I live in Nachlaot.
I have 5 children.
I play the piano.
I sing low harmony.
I love finding treasures in second hand shops.
I hate cliches.
I married into a family of spotless clean wonder women.
And I just scratched your curiosity itch.
Now, will I get to know you too?
This is where I have to tell you what will happen to you if you don’t sign up.
Track #3
Beyond Present*
$1100 if you sign up after December 31st
*Limited to 6 participants
We part ways now.
Or do we?